To donate in support of the Maryland Tiny House Coalition, please consider sending a tip to organizer, Mr. Justin Fair, for his community organizing efforts!


Please give via the Tip Jar on Paypal


Read more: Steps and Costs to make MDTHC legit

You can also give to our friends at the Baltimore-based non-profit, Smalltimore Homes. For instance, if you add a '$10 donation' to your cart, you can change the quantity to give your desired amount. Then, when checking out, select 'no shipping' and add a note that "I support the Maryland Tiny House Coalition."

Smalltimore has been so helpful in getting this project off the ground!

Head to


Send an email to our general inbox at [email protected]

Email Justin Fair at [email protected].

Spread the Word

The Maryland Tiny House Coalition ( is a volunteer group that began in July 2020 to coordinate planning ordinances by town and county and to strategize paths forward. The coalition meets to help local builders and residents better inform and strengthen their local representatives and planning staff's decisions to make tiny homes work with their existing ordinances. Please fill out an intake form. And please consider making a donation to the coalition's friends at Smalltimore Homes. Head to "Donate" at