Deadline for Submissions: March 1st, 2018
From: Greg Cantori, President, CANTORI CARES, LLC. Date: 1/1/18 Re: Innovative Baltimore Urban Farm Caretaker Cottage Proposal
We are looking for several (perhaps two, three or four) very capable individuals, couples or partners willing to work hard while getting involved in farming on 2.4 acres located at 5105 Plainfield Avenue, Baltimore MD 21206, in the Frankford community of Baltimore, We are also looking for those willing to live in off-grid tiny homes (caretaker cottages) while getting involved with the local community and Baltimore as a whole. This is an extraordinary demonstration project opportunity to prove that off-grid, sustainable, urban living is not only a realistic lifestyle, but can offer many benefits to both owners and residents on, and near, the farm. As an urban sustainable living pioneer, there is, however, a likelihood of disruptive legal and bureaucratic risks you’ll need to be aware of, willing to live with, and both reactively and proactively work through. They will be outlined, as best we can ascertain, below. Owing to the anticipated interest in this project, we’re asking you to prepare a proposal that outlines your degree of commitment, skills and experience in sustainable living, tiny homes, farming and/or gardening, working with communities as a volunteer or leader, your ability and willingness to document and share what is being learned, and your tolerance for uncertainty, the unknown, and reasonable risk. The following RFP includes a background of the project and describes the purpose of the RFP and specific requests relating to the proposal. We understand that details may be subject to changes as we learn more about the wants and needs of the community, the city, and future farm residents. In your proposal, please feel free to suggest any alternatives, ideas and enhancements that will make this even more likely to succeed and where we may have missed anything. Also please notify us ASAP of your intent to apply so we can be of assistance.