1) Let your message resonate

On each project I approach, I'm careful to consider if and how to reinterpret and create anew visual and verbal tools to super-charge + reinforce the project scope.







2) Not head-strong... soulstrong!**

If your soul is your passion...your energy, your purpose; then to be soulstrong is to have a pure pursuit of creativity, discipline, and internal optimism on a spiritual, not mental, level. In other words, 'don't get stuck in your head, get honest.' Honesty is integrity and risky; something that adds to your life in this lifetime and after. At its core, honesty is learning, growth, and healing. Not solving the unsolvable!

How I Can Help

When I am available for new projects, I arrive with both formal training and experience in the following:

My hats

I'm an urban planner and a community organizer with an emphasis in housing. I also have a love for fitness, mindfulness, and the arts.

Some of my interests: