Living on the edge of the campus
I too live at Courtyards and feel the many concerns Fenan Solomon expressed in her Sept. 5 column, “The Courtyards: Lonely Times on Route 193.” Unfortunately, there’s no comfort for the car-less. In a way, this is the price you pays if you don’t want the hustle and bustle of the campus, but that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be nice to at least feel as though we’re still on the campus. I appreciate all of the privileges and comforts of living at Courtyards, but the oasis at the edge of the campus is a cross between commuting and on-campus living, meaning there’s only so much the university will do for us. Still, it would be nice to at least have a crosswalk across from the entrance at Metzerott Road, so we can safely get across Route 193. A path to the Paint Branch Trail would also be nice. Oh well, I guess we’ll just have to count our blessings and trek to the campus on our own.Justin FairJuniorTheathre
College Park’s Hills
Trust me when I say that The Hills is probably one of the most reenacted television shows on the campus, especially with the undergraduate students. For more than three years, I’ve seen the same snobbish, fake, materialistic, vapid and conceited attitudes dominate the campus, all while those who are genuine, and down-to-earth and know how to act like humans are either overshadowed or ostracized to the point of being left in social oblivion. I just want to ask what the hell anyone could ever do to deserve having the so-called “best years of your life” be invaded by spoiled brats and preps? Is living in a place where people are friendly, open-minded and welcome to making new friends beyond superficial measurements too much to ask?As a senior, I don’t even ask for these people to leave their dimwitted ways for a more friendly and open attitude – but just save the shallowness and flashiness for those who want it.Marcus Straughter Jr. SeniorEconomics
Get real
A quote from the Sept. 5 editorial, “History of the future” reads, “It is within this spirit that the university has distributed the latest Apple technology. The devices are a testing ground for new educational applications developed by the university.”These are fancy toys at best, status symbols at worst. Get real.Shawn MagnusonAlumnus 2008
Comic confusion
Below the crossword and horoscopes in this year’s issues of The Diamondback, only one comic strip is running. While I’ll no doubt sorely miss the hilarious Not from Concentrate, its absence is not my complaint. The only comic that is running is Trevor Cerbini’s Surfing with the Aliens, and the only problem with this is that the comics that are running aren’t new! Each day this year readers have been treated to a comic recycled from last semester. While I got a small chuckle out of Surfing with the Aliens the first time through, it isn’t nearly as funny when it’s running on repeat. If you’re going to run old comics, put in something funnier. Give us old Not from Concentrate. Or – heck – Calvin and Hobbes!Josh CrawfordSophomoreLetters & Sciences