
The Maryland Tiny House Coalition seeks to better shepherd resources across Maryland to advocate for tiny homes across jurisdictions. Join us for monthly focus groups, meet-ups and house tours to encourage better representation, lobbying, land use comparison, community development and planning, and builder expertise across the State.


The group offers a comfortable, intimate opportunity to sit around the table every few months with fellow Marylanders who care about tiny houses, and want to chew on different tasks in the meantime. On Facebook we'll announce local get-togethers, video-chats, tips, and fun finds.

[Communication Chart](https://soulstrong.notion.site/Communication-Chart-e34dbd10b5874d10901e98c40446c528)


Social Media:


Started in July 2020, and we're still in listening mode! We've started with a project website, added some work group items, and added Youtube videos to our Book Club/Video Club. In the meantime before the work groups get started, please add your favorite finds and photos to the Book Club/Video Club.


Many thanks to big Maryland voices for living tiny: